Monday, March 10, 2008

Bad Dust

My sister sent me this story. It reminded me of some of the silly things I believed when I was a kid.

Picked up son from Sunday School today and he hands me a crumpled up piece of brown construction paper.
Me: “what’s this”
DS: “That’s the bad dust.”
Me: “ Bad Dust? ”
DS: “ We learned all about Jesus and the Bad Dust.”
Me: “I don’t know that one, tell me what it’s about.”
DS: “Well, Jesus was walking along in the wilderness and he got all dirty. He
met this man who put him under the water and babatized him and washed all
the bad dust away. That’s why they called him John the Bad Dust.”

Can’t make this stuff up.
I used to think the song went, "I can see clearly now, I can see all popcicles in my way"

1 comment:

A Light Mist said...

My sister was on a high school date once when the Pina Colada song came on. She sang it loud and proud, "If you like bean enchiladas!"